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Free OpenCart Extensions & Tools

Enhance Your OpenCart Store with Free Extensions & Resources

Explore a collection of free OpenCart extensions, tools, and resources designed to enhance your store without any cost. From SEO tools and performance boosters to marketing utilities and admin enhancements, these freebies help you improve your OpenCart store's functionality and efficiency without spending a dime. Download and start using these free resources to optimize your store, attract more customers, and simplify management.

Base Plugin

Base Plugin

Base Plugin for OpenCart is a plugin to organize all the latest productivity based Extensions and SEO Extensions developed by HuntBee OpenCart Services. This is an enhanced version of the previous Productivity App base plugin and SEO Base plugin. We have ..


Business Insight for OpenCart Website (Email)

Business Insight for OpenCart Website (Email)

In today’s digital age, data is king. Businesses that can harness the power of data to make informed decisions are more likely to succeed. Our Business Insights Extension for OpenCart does just that. The extension provides you with weekly re..


Fix for additional emails in OpenCart

Fix for additional emails in OpenCart

There is a bug in OpenCart where additional emails are not being saved properly. This is an ocmod fix for that issue.    To install this in your opencart, download and extract the content, you will find a zip file with .ocm..


Fix for password reset for OpenCart

Fix for password reset for OpenCart

There is a bug in OpenCart in the password reset using forgotten password. This is an ocmod fix for that issue.    To install this in your opencart, download and extract the content, you will find a file with .ocmod.xml ext..


Fix for [Undefined variable: expire] OpenCart

Fix for [Undefined variable: expire] OpenCart

This fixes the opencart issue of Undefined variable: expire   Installation: Download the zip pack Extract it and find huntbee-fix-expire.ocmod.xml Upload this xml file via extension installer Refresh the modification cache...


Opencart Fix for mcrypt_encrypt issue [2xxx]

Opencart Fix for mcrypt_encrypt issue [2xxx]

The encryption function mcrypt_encrypt has been deprecated for the PHP Versions higher than 7.2.0. Therefore payment modules like Paypal using this function will produce errors. This is an OCMOD based plugin that will replace the mycrpt_encrypt with th..


OpenCart Fix for openssl_encrypt issue [3xxx]

OpenCart Fix for openssl_encrypt issue [3xxx]

In opencart or any 3.x.x.x, If you are getting the following error, this OCMOD patch will fix you the error. PHP Warning:  openssl_encrypt(): Using an empty Initialization Vector (iv) is potentially insecure and not recommended Instal..


Set Meta title field as optional field

Set Meta title field as optional field

If you are using any SEO Extension which can generate meta titles in bulk, then you may need to disable the required field of meta title in the product / category / information / manufacturer catalog form pages. Because you will not be able to save the fo..


Social Icons - Flat icons, rounded icons, Leaf Shaped icons

Social Icons - Flat icons, rounded icons, Leaf Shaped icons

Social Icons - Flat icons, rounded icons, Leaf Shaped icons to be used in websites...


Showing 1 to 9 of 9 (1 Pages)
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