Demo Instructions : E-mailmarketingtools en campagnebeheer
OpenCart 3
Admin Link:
[Username, Password pre-filled]
Email Template Designer Pro
- About the Extension
- Installation
- Update Instructions
- Short-codes
- Creating an Email Template
- Create Email Template using Drag & Drop Editor
- Email Templates using HTML Editor
- Creating Email Templates in CKEditor Mode
- Email User Template Mapping
- Email Groups
- Creating an Email Group
- Adding email addresses to email group
- Import Emails from Any Tables
- Video Demonstration - Email Groups
- Email Campaigning - Live Demonstration
- Email Planner / Email Scheduler
- Email Send Now
- Planning sending emails in batches
- Account Activation with Auto Verification Email
- Developer
- Troubleshooting
- Importing email templates from marketplace
- Cross-selling Products in the email
- Email Unsubscribe
- CRON Bucket: Streamlining Email Delivery