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  • Afbeelding voor SEO Gestructureerde Data - Rich Snippets

SEO-gestructureerde gegevensgenerator voor OpenCart

  • $19,00

Verbeter de SEO van uw OpenCart-winkel met gestructureerde gegevens

De SEO Structured Data Generator voor OpenCart verbetert de zichtbaarheid van uw site in zoekmachines en sociale mediaplatforms door gestructureerde data te implementeren in JSON-LD-formaat. Het voegt rijke metadata toe aan productpagina's, categoriepagina's en uw homepage, waardoor uw winkel opvalt in zoekmachineresultaten en de betrokkenheid van gebruikers verbetert. Deze extensie volgt de up-to-date Google-standaarden voor schema en biedt verschillende SEO-voordelen, waaronder verbeterde rankings, hogere CTR en meer verkeer.


In het zeer competitieve e-commercelandschap worden OpenCart-winkeleigenaren geconfronteerd met uitdagingen bij het verbeteren van de zichtbaarheid en rangschikking van hun site in zoekmachineresultatenpagina's (SERP's). Zoekmachines zoals Google gebruiken gestructureerde data (schema) om content beter te begrijpen en weer te geven, maar veel winkeleigenaren slagen er niet in om dit effectief te implementeren. Zonder gestructureerde data worden productinformatie, beoordelingen, beschikbaarheid en andere belangrijke details mogelijk niet optimaal weergegeven, wat resulteert in lagere klikfrequenties (CTR), minder organisch verkeer en uiteindelijk minder conversies.

Bovendien missen veel OpenCart-winkels de voordelen van het weergeven van rich snippets, lokale bedrijfsinformatie en metadata van sociale media, die de zichtbaarheid op platforms als Facebook, Twitter en Google kunnen verbeteren. Het gebrek aan gestructureerde gegevens kan ook leiden tot vertraagde indexering, waardoor winkelinhoud verouderd lijkt in zoekresultaten. Dit brengt OpenCart-winkeleigenaren in het nadeel ten opzichte van concurrenten die hun websites al hebben geoptimaliseerd voor zoekmachines en sociale platforms.

Om dit probleem op te lossen, hebben winkeleigenaren een eenvoudige, geautomatiseerde oplossing nodig om gestructureerde gegevens te integreren op productpagina's, categoriepagina's en hun homepage. Deze oplossing voldoet aan de nieuwste SEO-normen en verbetert de zichtbaarheid, gebruikersbetrokkenheid en conversiepercentages.

Doel van de extensie:

Het hoofddoel van de SEO Structured Data Generator is om de SEO-prestaties van uw OpenCart-winkel te verbeteren door deze zichtbaarder te maken in zoekmachineresultaten en socialemediaplatforms. Door essentiële gestructureerde gegevens aan uw website toe te voegen, zorgt de extensie ervoor dat zoekmachines uw content gemakkelijk kunnen begrijpen en aantrekkelijker kunnen weergeven, wat leidt tot betere rankings, hogere klikfrequenties en meer gekwalificeerd verkeer.


  1. Gestructureerde productgegevens : inclusief prijs, beschikbaarheid, beoordelingen en meer, voor een verbeterde productpresentatie.
  2. Gestructureerde organisatiegegevens : voegt websitegegevens, sitelinks, zoekvak en contactgegevens toe, waardoor de geloofwaardigheid van uw winkel wordt verbeterd.
  3. Lokale bedrijfsinformatie : integreert gestructureerde gegevens van lokale bedrijven om de zichtbaarheid in lokale zoekopdrachten te verbeteren.
  4. OpenGraph Metatags : optimaliseert content voor sociale-mediaplatforms zoals Facebook.
  5. X (Twitter) Cards Metatags : Zorgt voor een correcte weergave van content op Twitter.
  6. Breadcrumbs Lijst Gestructureerde gegevens : Verbetert navigatie en SEO voor een betere gebruikerservaring.
  7. Eigenschappen van verzend- en retourbeleid : Configureerbare landspecifieke verzend- en retourgegevens om de betrouwbaarheid te verbeteren.
  8. Hoogwaardige afbeeldingsmetagegevens : bevat copyright- en licentiegegevens voor uw productafbeeldingen.
  9. BTW-nummer en betaalmethoden : voegt organisatorische details toe, zoals BTW, e-mailadres en geaccepteerde betaalmethoden, om vertrouwen op te bouwen.
  10. JSON-LD-indeling : door Google goedgekeurd, actueel gestructureerd gegevensformaat.

Hoe te gebruiken:

  1. Installeer de extensie via het OpenCart-beheerpaneel.
  2. Configureer de instellingen op basis van de behoeften van uw winkel, inclusief productdetails, verzendinformatie, retourbeleid en links naar sociale media.
  3. De extensie genereert automatisch gestructureerde gegevens in JSON-LD-formaat en voegt deze toe aan uw productpagina's, categoriepagina's en homepage.
  4. Pas specifieke eigenschappen, zoals verzend- en retourbeleid, aan door de relevante landconfiguraties te selecteren.
  5. Sla uw website op en vernieuw deze om te profiteren van de SEO-verbeteringen.


  • Verhoog de zichtbaarheid in zoekmachines : vergroot de aanwezigheid van uw website in zoekmachineresultaten, wat leidt tot hogere rankings en meer zichtbaarheid.
  • Hogere CTR : Rich snippets en gestructureerde data zorgen voor aantrekkelijkere zoekresultaten, die meer kliks aantrekken.
  • Verbeterd verkeer : de extensie genereert meer organisch en gericht verkeer door uw site te optimaliseren voor een betere indexering door zoekmachines.
  • Snellere indexering : Dankzij verbeterde gestructureerde gegevens indexeren zoekmachines uw content sneller, waardoor uw producten en aanbiedingen up-to-date blijven.
  • Verbeterde gebruikerservaring : breadcrumbs, verzendinformatie en retourbeleid verbeteren de navigatie op de site en zorgen voor meer vertrouwen bij de klant.


  • E-commercewinkels : ideaal voor OpenCart-winkeleigenaren die de zichtbaarheid van hun producten en hun ranking in zoekmachines willen verbeteren.
  • Lokale bedrijven : helpt lokale bedrijven hun OpenCart-site te optimaliseren met nauwkeurige bedrijfsgegevens, lokale verzend- en contactgegevens.
  • Websites met veel inhoud : sites met veel productvermeldingen, categorieën of services kunnen deze extensie gebruiken om rich snippets op hun hele site te implementeren.

Verwachte resultaten:

Nadat u de SEO Structured Data Generator hebt geïnstalleerd, kunt u het volgende verwachten:

  • Verbeterde zichtbaarheid in zoekmachineresultaten, waaronder Google en Bing.
  • Verbeterde rankings voor uw producten en categorieën, zodat u de concurrentie overtreft.
  • Meer klikken van gericht verkeer, wat leidt tot hogere conversiepercentages.
  • Betere klantbetrokkenheid op sociale platforms zoals Facebook en Twitter.
  • Snellere website-indexering en snellere weergave van uw content in zoekresultaten.
Requirement OCMOD for 2.x.x.x and higher version
Core Files Overwrite No Core files overwritten
Multi-store Yes, Supports Multi-store
Multi-lingual Yes, Support Multi-language website
Framework OpenCart
Existing Libraries Used Jquery, Bootstrap,
Additional Libraries Added / Used bootstraptoggle (cloud)

Admin Panel Demo

Credentials are prefilled

Our demo site is restricted by our Robots.txt file as we do not want Google to crawl and index our demo site. You can test the results by copying the source code. If you need any help understand the test results, feel free to contact us.


Video Demonstration

Open demo instruction in new tab

VERSION : 3.10.1DATE RELEASED: 01 Jan 2025
  • Compatibility:

    • This update is exclusively for OpenCart 3 versions.
    • Fully tested with OpenCart and PHP 8.3+.
  • Dashboard Enhancements:

    • Updated the dashboard interface to accommodate the newly added features.
  • Bug Fixes:

    • Resolved a minor issue related to the priceValidUntil date property.
  • Google Merchant Listing Improvements:

    • Added new properties for enhanced compatibility with Google Merchant Listings.
  • New Features:

    1. Shipping Properties:
      • Included shippingDetails, shippingDestination, deliveryTime, and transitTime properties, configurable by country.
    2. Return Policy Properties:
      • Added hasMerchantReturnPolicy, returnMethod, returnDays, and returnFees properties, configurable by country.
  • Structured Data Enhancements:

    • itemCondition property added, defaulting to NewCondition.
    • Sale price and actual price fields updated for better accuracy.
    • Improved review structured data to include the headline property.
    • Added image meta properties for high-quality original images, including license and copyright metadata.
  • Business Details:

    • Added VAT ID property for enhanced business identity.
    • Included ContactPoint email address for structured data.
    • Integrated acceptedPaymentMethod property to specify payment methods.
    • Made address fields setup mandatory for their use in home page Organization structured data.
  • Versioning Update:

    • The extension's version number updated to comply with our 2025 versioning standards.

VERSION : 9.3.16DATE RELEASED: 21 May 2024
  • Issue with image not being shown while sharing link on WhatsApp is addressed by disabling additional images in opengraph tags. Ensure the image size is set more than 1000px in the width.
  • Updated opengraph debug link.

VERSION : 9.3.15DATE RELEASED: 26 Sep 2023
  • Validation added for Inactive parent category for breadcrumbs structured data building (only for opencart and all 3.x.x.x versions)

VERSION : 9.3.14DATE RELEASED: 05 Sep 2023
  • Minor Validation fix

VERSION : 9.3.13DATE RELEASED: 07 Aug 2023
  1. Code Optimization
  2. Added a new feature: Breadcrumb structured data type

VERSION : 9.3.12DATE RELEASED: 06 Nov 2021

Minor bug fixed. (price_date)

VERSION : 9.3.11DATE RELEASED: 30 Oct 2021

Fixed a minor bug with the last update 9.3.10. Related to Array to string conversion Error.

VERSION : 9.3.10DATE RELEASED: 19 Oct 2021

Updated extension as per latest Google Standard. w.r.t offer type

VERSION : 9.3.9DATE RELEASED: 02 Oct 2021

Updated extension as per latest Google Standard. w.r.t brand type

VERSION : 9.3.7DATE RELEASED: 26 Feb 2020
  • Added encoding of special characters in reviews text

VERSION : 9.3.6DATE RELEASED: 05 Feb 2020
  1. Minor bug fixed related to opengraph category URL

VERSION : 9.3.5DATE RELEASED: 29 Apr 2019
  • Added default value for brand if there is no manufacturer or brand assigned to product

VERSION : 9.3.4DATE RELEASED: 25 Mar 2019
  1. Fixed : Undefined variable actual_price on product pages.

VERSION : 9.3.0DATE RELEASED: 07 Jan 2019
  1. Added property: sku
  2. Added property: mpn
  3. Added property: productID
  4. Added property: priceValidUntil
  5. Added property: review
  6. Added property: url

The above mentioned features are added only for opencart and all higher versions. 

  • Fixed Minor twig conversion issue for opencart version 3xxx
  • No changes for other versions
  • To update to this version, uninstall the extension, upload the latest one and install the extension

  1. Extension redesigned and code optimized for maximum compatibility
  2. Updated extension as per the latest standards
  3. Additional images in product JSON-LD
  4. JSON-LD Implementation optimized
  5. Feature Added: Option to display Product price with / without tax
  6. Improvised JSON-LD in product availability 
  7. Feature Added: Product decription / meta-description selection
  8. Feature Added: Category product list items 
  9. Logo image selection improvised
  10. Feature Added: Related Products for Product Page Open graph 
  11. Reduced Template dependency
  12. Breadcrumbs list JSON-LD added to many more pages like login, register, contact, sitemap, special, etc
  13. Store Selection drop down added to admin

  • Facebook OpenGraph has updated its Meta tags. Updating the same in the extension.

  • Compatibility for OpenCart 3.x.x.x
  • Twitter Card Markup Added
  • OpenGraph image dimensions added to product and category pages
  • OpenGraph additional images markup added for product pages
  • Code optimized


New Features:

  1. Redesigned the Extension and up-to-date with the latest google standards
  2. Depends SEO Extension Admin Base plugin for better organization of SEO extensions [Free Download]
  3. Multi-Store Support
  4. Compatible with and 2.3.x.x versions


Extension updated for OpenCart compatibility.Updates are made only related to OpenCart 2.x.x.x versions. No changes made to OpenCart 1.5.x.x versions

Added Feature:

Rich Snippets for Product pages are updated to JSON-LD as recommended by Google

The following changes are made:

  1. Updated the extension admin template file, admin controller file
  2. Updated VQMOD XML files of this extension

Upgrading from 6.5 to 7.1 instructions

  • Backup both files and database (Strictly Recommended)
  • Overwrite the existing version 6.5 with the 7.1 version's files


  1. Enhanced with enable/disable feature
  2. Local Business Schema in JSON-LD format
  3. Product Title, Category title pattern set up feature for OpenGraph tags 
  4. Breadcrumbs schema in JSON-LD format
  5. Breadcrumbs feature added for category pages and product pages
  6. More user friendly
  7. Manual Update of JSON-LD script
  8. Documentation Added


  1. Local Business Microdata updated 
  2. Extension's group name changed
  3. Compatibility tested for SEO BULK GENERATOR Extension and SEO IMAGE RENAME Extension


This is the first release of this extension. This Extension is splitted and enhanced from the Extension HuntBee SEO PACK. Lots of new features included. Existing Features remains same for OpenGraph, Local Business Microdata.

New Features

  1. Rich Snippets Enhanced for Product page according to the latest standards
  2. Product Page Breadcrumbs Microdata updated to latest standards
  3. Microdata Data Feature added to display Social Profiles (Facebook, Google+, Twitter, YouTube, linkedin, Instagram, Pinterest, Soundcloud, Tumblr)
  4. JSON-LD Script added for Corporate Contact, Website Information, Organisation Information, Website Sitelink Search Box, Sitename in Search Results

Menno 28/10/2022

Perfect extension. Installed on Opencart 3020.

My third party checkoutextension was not compatible. After supportticket a patch was made very quickly.
GA 4 is reading all necessary data.

Thanks again for the great extension. Keep up the good work!

Gabor Toldy 11/10/2022

Great support and great extension, error-free operation..

saowapot kung 16/04/2022

SEO - Rich Snippets, very good extension


Great support and great extension.

Steve Nelson 10/10/2021

Works perfectly without any issues. Our online presence is now richer by this extension. Excellent support by Huntbee. Highly recommended.

Michael T 09/10/2021

I have been using this extension now for some time and found it to be excellent, everything worked straight away out of the box with no issues at all.

George 26/04/2021

Installed on Joomla / J-cart (Opencart 3) platform. Simple installation and setup. One adjustment had to be made. This was done quick and clear via the ticket system.

Sebastiao 09/07/2019

Great customers support! I do recommend this extension!

Julia 28/05/2019

The structured data that was being generated for my Opencart site by another developer's seo extension wasn't being recognised by Google, and that developer said they couldn't help me. So I looked around and found this extension from Huntbees. It worked perfectly straight away, and then Huntbees also customised it for my specific needs as I wanted the default itemCondition to be Used. I will definitely look at Huntbees first for any extension I need in future.

Jim Meijer 14/01/2019

Dear reader,

You really have to read this!

I bought this plugin and it was in conflict with another SEO packet. I could have known in advance!

I reported this to Huntbee support,

They solved the problem, and it was not easy! He worked until 2:00 in the middle of the night to solve it. Really cool. Then I had a few questions because Google has certainly expanded their structured data. I have not seen a single plug-in that has integrated Google's expansion.

On the basis of my question, the programmer has updated the plugin exactly to Google wishes!

I think that is real service !!

Thanks so mutch.
Jim Meijer

Sebastiao Ferreira 23/03/2017

In my humble opinion this is the most advanced and up to date structured data and product rich snippets extension. Great service and support.

looker 11/12/2015

My experiences with Hunt Bee are great and I decided to buy just here, because of very detailed support and personal approach.

asitek 01/12/2015

thanX, works as expected. needed some customization if you are not using default template, but its easy to do :) tested under v2.0.3.1

benli 30/10/2015

Good extention and good quick support. It all worked after installation, but I had a undefined index message. It was solved in a day.

Steve 23/09/2015

Anyone with an Opencart Store that is serious about selling online should definitely buy and install this extension, it's an absolute no brainer! I have ordered a few extensions from HuntBee, and the service I have received is absolutely second to none, fast, friendly and reliable every time!

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Tags: OpenCart, SEO, Gestructureerde data, JSON-LD, Productgegevens, Rich Snippets, OpenCart SEO, Zoekmachineoptimalisatie, CTR verhogen, Lokale bedrijfs-SEO

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