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Correzione per email aggiuntive in OpenCart

Correzione per email aggiuntive in OpenCart
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Correzione per email aggiuntive in OpenCart| omaggi | HuntBee OpenCart Services

C'è un bug in OpenCart in cui le email aggiuntive non vengono salvate correttamente. Questa è una correzione ocmod per quel problema.

Per installarlo nel tuo opencart, scarica ed estrai il contenuto, troverai un file zip con estensione Vai su Admin: Extension> Extension Installer e carica questo file zip. Quindi vai alle modifiche e aggiorna. Ora dovresti essere in grado di aggiungere ulteriori email nelle tue impostazioni.

Mario Acosta19/11/2016

Great solution to a very specific problem. I was going crazy trying to figure out why openCart was not saving that extra notification email address. Then I researched and discovered it was a bug left by Daniel on all versions of OpenCart

I was ready to dig in and make code changes when I found the FREE Huntbee extension. Worked like a charm. Took all of two minutes to implement!

Great job guys. Already bookmarked your site and told some buddies about you. Keep up the good work...

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