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  2. Email Template Designer Pro
  3. Email User Template Mapping

Email User Template Mapping

This section is used to map the email templates for customer / affiliate account related emails like registration successful email, forgot password email, reward points email, voucher email, order return email, etc.

This section cannot be used for any order status or order confirmation email. We have another section (extension) to do this job exclusively.

How to Use

  1. Go to Extensions > Extensions > Productivity Apps > Email User Template Mapping
  2. First create an email template. (Use the available shortcode for user personalization)
  3. After creating the template, assign / map the template to respective email activity

For OpenCart 2.x.x.x versions, the ocmod makes the neccassary modification to appropriate files.

For Opencart 3.x.x.x versions, ocmod is not used to make any modifications. Instead it is using the OpenCart’s new mailing concept, i.e., sending email using Events. Therefore to enable using the Email User Template Mapping you will need to disable the exisiting events and enable the events of this extension. To enable/disable events in opencart 3.x.x.x versions, go to Extensions > Events.

For example, you have created template for customer account registration and mapped the template in the extension. To enable or make sure this particular template goes to the customer and not the default opencart mail, then you need to enable hb_mail_customer_add and disable mail_customer_add

Refer the following table to enable / disable events for appropriate template mapping

Email TypeEnable EventDisable Event
Customer Account Registrationhb_mail_customer_addmail_customer_add
Admin Add Customerhb_admin_mail_customer_add
Customer Account Registration Admin Alerthb_mail_customer_alertmail_customer_alert
Customer Account Approvedhb_admin_mail_customer_approveadmin_mail_customer_approve
Customer Account Deniedhb_admin_mail_customer_denyadmin_mail_customer_deny
Customer Account Credithb_admin_mail_transactionadmin_mail_transaction
Customer Forgot Passwordhb_mail_forgottenmail_forgotten
Customer Rewardhb_admin_mail_rewardadmin_mail_reward
Customer Voucherhb_mail_vouchermail_voucher
Customer Order Return Confirmation to customerhb_mail_return_confirmation
Customer Return History Update by adminhb_admin_mail_return_status
Customer Add Return admin alerthb_mail_return_admin_alert
Customer Order Return (from admin panel)hb_admin_mail_returnadmin_mail_return
Affiliate Account Registrationhb_mail_affiliate_addmail_affiliate_add
Affiliate Account Registration Admin Alerthb_mail_affiliate_alertmail_affiliate_alert
Affiliate Account Approvedhb_admin_mail_affiliate_approveadmin_mail_affiliate_approve
Affiliate Account Deniedhb_admin_mail_affiliate_denyadmin_mail_affiliate_deny
Affiliate Account Transactionhb_mail_transactionmail_transaction

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