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Return Policy

Return Policy Format for Merchant Return Policies

This documentation explains the format used for defining merchant return policies, including the required fields and their corresponding values. The format allows defining return policies based on country, return category, days, return methods, and fees. The rules are designed to be flexible and comply with Schema.org standards.

Format Overview

The return policy is structured in the following format:

applicableCountry : returnPolicyCategory : merchantReturnDays : returnMethod : returnFees : returnShippingFeesAmount : currency

Each part of the rule is separated by a colon (:), and the order and content of these parts define the specifics of the return policy.

Fields and Definitions

  1. applicableCountry
    This specifies the country to which the return policy applies. It is represented by a 2-letter country code (e.g., US for the United States, UK for the United Kingdom).
    • Example:
  2. returnPolicyCategory
    This defines the type of return policy applied. It can be one of the following:
    • MRFRW: MerchantReturnFiniteReturnWindow – A finite time window is set by the merchant within which the return is accepted.
    • MRNP: MerchantReturnNotPermitted – The merchant does not allow returns.
  3. merchantReturnDays (only applicable if returnPolicyCategory is MRFRW)
    This defines the number of days within which the customer can return the item. This field is only relevant for the MerchantReturnFiniteReturnWindow (MRFRW) policy.
    • Example:
      60 – The customer can return the item within 60 days.
  4. returnMethod (only applicable if returnPolicyCategory is MRFRW)
    This defines the method by which the customer can return the product. Possible values include:
    • RBM: ReturnByMail – The customer returns the item by mailing it back.
    • RTK: ReturnAtKiosk – The customer returns the item at a designated kiosk.
    • RIS: ReturnInStore – The customer returns the item in-store.
    RBM – The item is returned by mail.
    RTK – The item is returned at a kiosk.
    RIS – The item is returned in-store.
  5. returnFees (only applicable if returnPolicyCategory is MRFRW)
    This defines the responsibility for the return fees. Possible values include:
    • RFCR: ReturnFeesCustomerResponsibility – The customer is responsible for paying the return fees.
    • FR: FreeReturn – The return is free for the customer.
    RFCR – The customer must pay for return fees.
    FR – The return is free for the customer.
  6. returnShippingFeesAmount (only applicable if returnFees is RSF)
    This specifies the amount of the return shipping fee if the customer is responsible for return shipping costs. This is only used if the returnFees value is RSF (ReturnShippingFees). The returnShippingFeesAmount is expressed in a monetary value along with its currency. Example:
    15 – The return shipping fee is 15 units of the specified currency (e.g., USD, EUR).
  7. currency
    This specifies the currency of the return shipping fee. It is represented using the 3-letter currency code (e.g., USD for US dollars, EUR for euros). Example:
    USD – The currency is US dollars.
    EUR – The currency is euros.

Example Return Policy Rules

  1. Example 1: US:MRFRW:60:RBM:RFCR:10:USD
    • Interpretation:
      • Country: US (United States)
      • Return Policy Category: MRFRW (MerchantReturnFiniteReturnWindow)
      • Return Days: 60 days
      • Return Method: RBM (ReturnByMail)
      • Return Fees: RFCR (ReturnFeesCustomerResponsibility)
      • Return Shipping Fees Amount: 10 USD (customer is responsible for return shipping fees of 10 USD)
  2. Example 2: UK:MRNP
    • Interpretation:
      • Country: UK (United Kingdom)
      • Return Policy Category: MRNP (MerchantReturnNotPermitted)
      • This means the merchant does not accept returns in the UK.
  3. Example 3: CA:MRFRW:30:RTK:FR
    • Interpretation:
      • Country: CA (Canada)
      • Return Policy Category: MRFRW (MerchantReturnFiniteReturnWindow)
      • Return Days: 30 days
      • Return Method: RTK (ReturnAtKiosk)
      • Return Fees: FR (FreeReturn) – The return is free for the customer.
  4. Example 4: DE:MRFRW:45:RIS:RSF:15:EUR
    • Interpretation:
      • Country: DE (Germany)
      • Return Policy Category: MRFRW (MerchantReturnFiniteReturnWindow)
      • Return Days: 45 days
      • Return Method: RIS (ReturnInStore)
      • Return Fees: RSF (ReturnShippingFees) – The customer is responsible for return shipping fees.
      • Return Shipping Fees Amount: 15 EUR (The return shipping fee is 15 EUR)

Summary of Possible Values

FieldPossible ValuesDescription
returnPolicyCategoryMRFRW, MRNPType of return policy: finite return window or no returns allowed
returnMethodRBM, RTK, RISMethod of returning the product: by mail, at a kiosk, or in-store
returnFeesRFCR, FRResponsibility for return fees: customer pays or return is free
returnShippingFeesAmountNumeric valueAmount for return shipping fees (only applicable if RSF is used)
currencyCurrency CodeThe currency for the shipping fees (e.g., USD, EUR)

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