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Pachet profesionist Designer de e-mailuri + Programator de buletine

Pachet profesionist Designer de e-mailuri + Programator de buletine
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Pachet profesionist Designer de e-mailuri + Programator de buletine| Extensii și module, Extensii OpenCart, Extensii premium, Crește productivitatea, Extensii prin e-mail, Opțiuni de top Opencart | HuntBee OpenCart Services

Această extensie este utilizată pentru a crea șabloane de e-mail HTML care pot fi utilizate în următoarele scopuri

  1. E-mailuri legate de cont, cum ar fi înregistrarea clientului, parola uitată, voucher client etc.
  2. Buletin informativ prin e-mail, notificare prin e-mail către clienți / afiliați / la orice adresă de e-mail (poate fi trimis imediat și automat la o dată stabilită / zilnic / săptămânal / lunar / etc)
  3. Șablonul de e-mail creat poate fi folosit și cu extensiile personalizate

Această extensie oferă o gamă largă de șabloane de e-mail de eșantion pe care le puteți utiliza pentru a economisi timp în crearea de conținut prin e-mail. De asemenea, vom lansa deseori multe alte șabloane de e-mail pe care le puteți instala din extensia în sine.

Puteți face următoarele cu șabloanele de e-mail

  1. Setați numele expeditorului
  2. Setați adresa de e-mail a expeditorului
  3. Set CC
  4. Setați răspunsuri la e-mail
  5. Setați subiect
  6. Schimbați ușor culoarea, imaginile șabloanelor de probă
  7. Editează conținut HTML
  8. Setați Preheader
  9. Adăugați atașamente la e-mail
  10. Setează produse de vânzare încrucișată precum cel mai recent produs, cel mai vândut produs, produse populare, produse prezentate
  11. Setați parametrii de urmărire la produsele transversale pentru Analytics


Caracteristici de extensie

  1. Trimiteți e-mailuri în loturi folosind joburi CRON (Exemplu: Dacă aveți 100 000 de adrese de e-mail clienți, puteți trimite e-mailuri în loturi)
  2. Configurare unică pentru buletinul dvs. zilnic / săptămânal / lunar. (E-mailurile vor fi trimise automat prin declanșatorul zilnic de job cron)
  3. Previzualizare prin e-mail
  4. Test de e-mail
  5. Jurnalele de e-mail trimise
  6. E-mail vizualizat jurnalele
  7. E-mailuri care urmează să fie trimise de la declanșatorul jobului Cron
  8. Configurare implicită pentru configurarea produselor încrucișate (culori, dimensiuni, font etc.)
  9. Actualizări / adăugare de șabloane din extensie în sine (Nu va trebui să reinstalați extensia pentru a accesa cea mai recentă gamă de șabloane de probe)
  10. Adăugarea de e-mailuri la baza de date
  11. Grupare prin e-mail
  12. Căutați e-mailuri în grupuri
  13. Planificator de e-mail (Poți seta e-mailuri pentru a trimite la o anumită dată sau pentru a trimite e-mailuri zilnic / săptămânal / lunar)
  14. Analiza predictivă a Planificatorului de e-mail (Puteți vedea ce e-mailuri vor fi trimise mâine)
  15. Trimiteți un e-mail sau o notificare prin e-mail către grupuri (clienți / afiliați / toți abonații la newsletter / grup de clienți anume / cumpărători / e-mailuri individuale / grupuri personalizate)
  16. Dezabonați-vă link-uri, link-uri de vizualizare browser
  17. E-mailul se poate dezabona la e-mailuri (folosește un tabel separat în baza de date)
  18. Administratorul poate adăuga / șterge e-mailuri în lista de dezabonare
  19. Șabloanele de e-mail pot fi mapate pentru a fi utilizate pentru e-mailurile clientului / afiliatului. .
  20. Link de verificare prin e-mail a clientului pe e-mailul de înregistrare a clienților

Oferta cu această extensie

Obțineți extinderea PRO de e-mail / SMS Template Designer de stare a comenzii cu această achiziție.

Demonstrație video





Creating and sending an Email Template using sample templates

Adding cross-selling products in email templates

Creating email templates on custom mode

Email Groups

Email Send now and cron job mode

Email Planner / Scheduler

Email User Template Mapping

Compatibility2.0.x.x, 2.1.x.x, 2.2.x.x, 2.3.x.x, 3.x.x.x
Core Files OverwriteNo Core files overwritten
Multi-storeYes, Supports Multi-store
Multi-lingualYes, Support Multi-language website
Existing Libraries UsedJquery, Bootstrap,
Additional Libraries Added / UsedCkeditor, jscolor, codemirror, bootstraptoggle

Admin Link:



Demo Instruction:

Navigate to the Menu: Extensions > Productivity Apps > Email Templates: Designer > Click Edit


Open demo instruction in new tab

VERSION : 4.3.8DATE RELEASED: 09 Nov 2024

Release 4.3.8 for Email Template Designer Extension

For OpenCart 2.3.x.x and OpenCart 3.x.x.x versions

  1. Added functionality to automatically fetch the first and last names from the customer table in the database for each email address included in the email group. This allows the use of shortcodes {firstname} and {lastname} in email content, which will populate with the customer’s name when a matching record is found.
  2. If no matching record exists in the customer table, {firstname} defaults to "Customer" and {lastname} remains blank.
  3. Enhanced the Email Groups dashboard to display the customer’s first and last names directly within the group view for easy reference.
  4. You can use the shortcodes {firstname} and {lastname} in the email subject for bulk email sends.
  5. Email Planner issue fixed.

VERSION : 4.3.7DATE RELEASED: 20 Jan 2024
  • Email Template Designer: Minor fix related to PHP8+

VERSION : 4.3.6DATE RELEASED: 21 Nov 2023

For Email Template Designer Extension - 4.3.6 

  • Emoji display for subject line in the admin page (cron bucket list, email sent logs).
  • Compatibility test for OpenCart & PHP8+


VERSION : 4.3.5DATE RELEASED: 27 Aug 2023
  • Minor issue fixed. Deleting the email addresses when deleting the email group.

VERSION : 4.3.4DATE RELEASED: 24 Aug 2023

This feature is only for OpenCart and all 3.x.x.x versions. 

  • Added "Selective Email Removal" feature.
  • Admins can now remove emails from CRON bucket list based on selected email group.
  • Improved email list management for more effective campaigns.

More details:

VERSION : 4.3.3DATE RELEASED: 10 Jan 2023

Update to Email Template Designer. Version 4.3.3

Feature added to OpenCart 2x and 3x versions

  • Newsletter Subscribers View List Added to Email Groups

VERSION : 4.3.1DATE RELEASED: 21 Oct 2022
  1. Minor bug fix to Email Templates Tools Extension

VERSION : 4.3.0DATE RELEASED: 30 May 2022

Extension Updated for Email Template Designer PRO Pack

  1. Feature Enhanced: Email Type ID
  2. Feature added: CRON bucket priority level
  3. Import Template Enhanced
  4. Email Type Mandatory Status

Detailed Info:

VERSION : 4.2.5DATE RELEASED: 28 Sep 2021

Compatibility Fix for email template desginer extension

VERSION : 4.2.4DATE RELEASED: 01 May 2021
  1. Added Resend Email Feature. You can resend email from the email sent log. Resend email will not be saved to cron bucket even if cron mode is enabled.
  2. Improved security
  3. Minor UI additions

VERSION : 4.2.3DATE RELEASED: 14 Apr 2021
  • Unsubscribe & browser view link fix

VERSION : 4.2.2DATE RELEASED: 25 Mar 2021
  1. Added short-codes based on store config values
  2. Removed template mapping for order return templates. Order Return template feature is now available as a separate extension

VERSION : 4.2.1DATE RELEASED: 22 Feb 2021
  1. Added fixes w.r.t the new Order Status Email Template Designer Extension 5. (Cross-selling Product Templates)
  2. Added shortcodes for forgot password email {firstname}, {lastname}, {telephone}
  3. Added Shorcodes for {store_name}, {store_email}, {store_url}

VERSION : 4.2.0DATE RELEASED: 04 Jan 2021
  1. CSV Import feature added to Email Groups

VERSION : 4.1.2DATE RELEASED: 22 Sep 2020
  • Now admin can unsubscribe an email address from all email types with a single entry in the Unsubscribers list. 

VERSION : 4.1.1DATE RELEASED: 31 Aug 2020
  • Image height size fixed in product listings.

VERSION : 4.1.0DATE RELEASED: 15 Aug 2020
  • Added code to include the shortcodes {firstname}, {lastname} in newsletter emails. If no firstname is found, then it fills it with the text "Customer"
  • A bug related to customer group selection is fixed.

VERSION : 4.0.0DATE RELEASED: 10 Jul 2020


  1. Drag and Drop Editor Added
  2. Separated editor pages. (HTML Editor, CKeditor, Drag & Drop Editor)
  3. Dynamic style update for ckeditor designs. The desgin will not reset, you can change colors and other options dynamically.
  4. Responsive filemanager integrated with ckeditor (in ckeditor mode), supports bulk image upload.
  5. Added email type selection option for email template categorization (example, account, testing, newsletter)
  6. Added optional feature to skip sending the same email multiple times to same email address
  7. Improved UI for cross-selling products setup, with cross-selling block preview
  8. Added notification to check if cron bucket mode is enabled or disabled
  9. Individual email statistics for the number of emails sent, viewed, email sent by email type pie chart
  10. CSV export to export email address
  11. CSV export for email template unsubscribers
  12. Clear cron bucket
  13. Option to import template samples designed and published by other users online/admin
  14. Option to sell/publish the email template in the marketplace so that other customers can use it.


  1. UI enhanced
  2. CSV Export of email addresses for the selected email group
  3. Added professional tools to import/copy the email address from one group to another group
  4. Tool to remove email addresses from a group with respect to other groups for reference
  5. Tool to import email addresses from any tables in the database to the selected email group. Also includes advanced SQL query to filter data
  6. Tool to import email addresses of customers purchased a particular product to the selected email group
  7. Validation to check the email address and duplication
  8. Email group stats

Email types/ Email Unsubscribers

  1. Feature to create email category or email label
  2. Email type stats for email sent an email viewed and email unsubscribed
  3. Add unsubscriber email address by email category
  4. Additional columns added to unsubscribers table to identify the email template ID
  5. CSV export of email unsubscribers with a date range filter

Email Mapping

  1. Added additional events (for opencart 3xxx)
  2. Sends email to the customer when admin creates an account from admin panel (with an auto-login button which redirects to reset password page)
  3. Affiliate registration admin alert (for opencart 3xxx)
  4. Customer order return confirmation email (for opencart 3xxx)
  5. Customer order return admin alert (for opencart 3xxx)
  6. Customer voucher email from admin (for opencart 3xxx)

Email Send

  1. Template order by date created
  2. Bach sending for selected Email Group & Guest Newsletter Subscriber


  1. Account activation success and unsubscribe success page has been linked with the existing common success template file.


Do not attempt to upgrade to 4.0.0 from previous version. There has been lot of changes and hence it is recommended to submit support ticket for upgrading. If you do not need our support, then to use this extension you will be required to uninstall the previous version before installing 4.0.0. Uninstalling the previous version will delete all the templates created.

VERSION : 3.2.4DATE RELEASED: 11 Feb 2020
  • Updated Email Template: User Template Mapping and added Email mapping for Customer Added by Admin [Only for opencart 3.x.x.x]

Update Instruction:

  1. Download the latest files and Install via extension installer (overwrites the previous files)
  2. Go to Extension > Productivity Apps > Uninstall User Template Mapping and Install User template Mapping. This will delete the previous events and adds the updated events. You will have enable events again.

VERSION : 3.2.3DATE RELEASED: 26 Nov 2019
  • Added additional event to include Customer Return Confirmation Email
  • Added additional event to include Customer Return Status Email
  • Added additional event to include Customer Return Admin Alert Email
  • Improvised Email Tracking Image pixel
  • Multiple emails to BCC field

VERSION : 3.2.2DATE RELEASED: 04 May 2019
  • Bug fixed for Account Activation Link on OpenCart 3.x.x.x versions

  1. Code Optimization
  2. Included template Label edit field
  3. Included option to add html raw code (so that user can design email from some other editor and import that html code here)
  4. Added Feature: Template copy
  5. Added feature: Archive email sent logs, unarchive email sent logs, delete logs based on the given date 
  6. Compatibility with Huntbee Newsletter Guest Subscriber module

Update Instructions:


  1. Code Improvised to support Microsoft Outlook Client for displaying product list
  2. Relocated catalog/view/theme/default/template/extension/email_product_list/ to catalog/view/theme/default/template/extension/module/email_product_list/
  3. Bug fix for getting count of total emails by products ordered
  4. Added new short-code {to} 
  5. Updated Cross-selling settings default value
  6. Added Store Selection Shortcut to admin 

Update Instruction:

  1. Complete redesign of the extension
  2. Added compatibility for opencart 3xxx
  3. Order Status Email Templates separated from the extension and made separate extension
  4. Newsletter Schedule feature added
  5. Email Grouping feature added
  6. Unsubscribe feature added
  7. Browser view feature added
  8. Cross-selling products integrated with the extension, and lots more.

  • Updated the extension with some new features for OpenCart 2.0.x.x, 2.1.x.x, 2.2.x.x, 2.3.x.x
  • OCMOD FOR 2.3.x.x
  • Possible integration of user defined short-codes (User-Codes)
  • Mailing system
  • Ability to send cross selling products in customer account emails
  • Mail read/viewed tracking
  • Campaign tracking
  • Optional CRON job for sending email newsletters
  • Number of emails to be send in a job

Master 20.03.2024

Great extension and great support! Would buy more extensions from Huntbee.


I add this extension before 3 years. Since then is working fine. All productivity apps from HuntBee are working fine on my OC2. 1.0.1 journal 2 theme. I am back to buy them again from my new OC3xxx Journal theme

Ulf Liljankoski, Lilon AB03.08.2020

I bought several extensions, including this one. It works great, and when I needed help I got it fast. Thank you!
I'm comming back to buy more of your great extentions.
- Ulf Liljankoski

Sérgio Maio03.06.2020

Excellent Module, Great Support!

Kwame Ferg21.05.2020

Great module, amazing design, and templates. I highly recommend.


Quick support
I recommend purchase this extension


A must extention to every website
Support is very good!

Priyo Ghorai27.09.2016

@Ikkike Udofia : Yes you can edit customer emails as well

Ikkike Udofia26.09.2016

Can i used this module to edit the email customers receive when they register on my eCommerce store?


Opencart's default emails are quite plain. This module allows you to design some really nice, professional looking emails which can be sent out automatically to customers when orders are placed, orders are shipped out etc.

We did have some problems with this module conflicting with another module we had installed, but HuntBee's customer service was very quick and the module was working on our website within two days.

Oliver Bucek22.08.2016

This module saves you a lot of time and is simply excellent, and your mails will look superb. Definitely I recommend the purchase of this module!
Excellent programmer. Fast and quality. Its products are excellent! Definitely recommend!

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