


  • $21.00

订单发货/快递跟踪信息 | 扩展和模块、OpenCart 扩展、高级扩展、提高生产力、电子邮件扩展、Opencart 精选 | HuntBee OpenCart 服务




  1. 首先,在管理员中添加您绑定的快递公司数量:扩展 > 生产力应用程序 > 订单发货跟踪信息。详细信息将作为查找表存储在数据库中。
  2. 然后,您可以轻松地将快递/货运详细信息(如快递服务、跟踪代码)分配给订单中的特定产品或订单中的所有产品。详细信息将保存到数据库中。
  3. 详细信息将显示在管理员订单信息页面以及客户订单历史记录页面上。


Compatibility 2.0.x.x, 2.1.x.x, 2.2.x.x, 2.3.x.x, 3.x.x.x
Requirement OCMOD
Core Files Overwrite No Core files overwritten
Multi-store Yes, Supports Multi-store
Multi-lingual Yes, Support Multi-language website
Framework OpenCart

Admin Link: http://opencart-demo.huntbee.com/demo/admin/

Username demo
Password demo


Demo Instruction:

Settings Page: Navigate to the Menu: Extensions > Productivity Apps > Order Shipment Tracking Info > Click Edit


Open demo instruction in new tab

VERSION : 5.1.3DATE RELEASED: 16 Dec 2021
  • New feature Added to fix order product ID conflicts that happens when you edit the order

VERSION : 5.1.2DATE RELEASED: 09 Mar 2021
  • Comment template multi-language fix

VERSION : 5.1.1DATE RELEASED: 18 Feb 2021
  1. New Feature: Shipment form template selection (Vertical Rows / Horizontal Columns) - in order to make the form look compact
  2. Also added default quantity dropdown field Ascending or desending selection setup

VERSION : 5.1.0DATE RELEASED: 18 Dec 2020
  1. Added shipped quantity feature
  2. Changes in the algorithm w.r.t shipped quantity feature
  3. Added Enable or disable email preview before sending email
  4. Added Enable or disable "Quick Save and Send Email" button.
  5. Close button on the order shipment form popup on order info page
  6. Color differentiation of the shipment update button for orders with completed shipment and orders with pending shipment
  7. Added shipped quantity column on custome order info page
  8. Quauntity validation and Quantity Dropdown with auto select checkbox while selecting the quanitity in quantity field
  9. Form reset after each item shipment update
  10. Search record by tracking code added
  11. SMS Template added [Requires OpenCart SMS System installation to send SMS]

VERSION : 5.0.0DATE RELEASED: 07 Sep 2020
  1. Extension database table modified.
  2. Checkbox selection of products in the Order
  3. Added Product Option information
  4. Checkbox selection for selecting products for the email.
  5. Tracking number validation when multiple products selected for the email notification
  6. Easy Order History update while sending the email notification with history comments template
  7. Quick shipment update from the admin order list page

To update to this version, raise a support ticket.

VERSION : 4.0.1DATE RELEASED: 06 Jan 2020
  • Fixed missing hyperlink on the customer order info page for single shipment

VERSION : 4.0.0DATE RELEASED: 24 Dec 2019
  1. New columns added to database table
  2. Added Delivery Date field
  3. Enhanced usability for "Select Product" dropdown in admin shipment form 
  4. Added feature to edit shipment row
  5. Added feature to delete a particular shipment row
  6. Added feature to send shipment email to customer. Admin can send email individually with respect to product or admin can send a single email if the all the products are shipped together.
  7. Database logs if an email is sent w.r.t a particular shipment row
  8. Redesigned extension to support maximum compatibilty with opencart versions
  9. Example Shipment company and tracking links added to the table (for new installations)
  10. Updated "Order Shipment Information" tab w.r.t new changes in the extension
  11. Added "Email Template Tab" for email design settings
  12. Pre-loaded sample shipped HTML Email templates to kickstart the settings
  13. Separate admin Sender Email address and Sender Name
  14. Separate subject line template for single product shipment and multiple product shipment
  15. Store Selection dropdown for multi-store
  16. In-built support for Journal2 template 
  17. In-built support for Journal3 template 
  18. Separate views in customer order info page depending on the shipment count

Update Instruction (3.x.x to 4.0.0)

  • Submit a support ticket for updating the extension. (Only for active support license)

  1. Upgrade for 2.x.x.x and 3.x.x.x versions
  2. Extension Redesigned
  3. Uses Productivity app base plugin
  4. Added Feature: Displays all tracking information added and search by Order ID option
Ash 2024-12-04

Using this extension to replace another developers one as it is well designed like other Huntbee extensions and it connects with
other extensions seamlessly

Kate 2024-06-03

I absolutely love this module. It's a time-saver and it works flawlessly. I love that I can ship items using different carriers all within the same order. Perfecto!

shafie hashim 2023-07-04

Works perfectly without any issues. Updating tracking numbers are very easy and professional with this mod. Excellent support by Huntbee. Highly recommended.

Steve Nelson 2021-10-10

Works perfectly without any issues. Updating tracking numbers are very easy and professional with this mod. Excellent support by Huntbee. Highly recommended.

AFashions 2020-06-28

This works perfectly for me, same as described

AFashions 2020-06-28

This works perfectly for me , same as described

raj 2018-08-20

Great extension
time saving and useful product

Zilvinas Junevicius 2018-08-03

Great extension. Works really perfectly.
Installed in 1 minute. Great!

Alan 2016-08-31

Worked brilliantly - a great extension that is especially useful with HuntBee's Email Template Designer PRO module, as it allows automated emails to be sent to customers with all the tracking information of their order. Very professional and a real time saver

Oliver Bucek 2016-08-22

This module saves you a lot of time and is simply excellent. Definitely I recommend the purchase of this module!

Excellent programmer. Fast and quality. Its products are excellent! Definitely recommend!

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